Monday, September 3, 2012

A Start on Our Journey!

              Hello friends and family!  I made this blog just for YOUR viewing pleasure - so sit back, buckle up, and we hope you enjoy!  After all, it's our lives....  what's more entertaining than that??  .....Ah yes, I suppose I could name a few.....  But that's beside the point!  I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now but could not think of some good material other than cooking.  I originally started a blog that focused on seeing life through the eyes of somebody with Myasthenia Gravis, but I became utterly bored with that topic and also thought it might make it seem more extreme (in my case at least) than it actually is.  So I scratched that idea and then got to thinking about creating one for my crafting skills.  Yes, case you haven't heard, I can cook...quite well actually (if I must say so myself) and love creating new ideas in the kitchen.  On top of that, I'm always on the hunt for new crafting ideas and decorating tips.  So in a couple of months I plan on creating a separate blog just for that.  I'm excited!  
                  In case you haven't heard along the grapevine, on friday we received notification of our ORDERS.  YES - ORDERS!  We are going to Incirlik, Turkey and should be leaving the states around the end of February.  We couldn't be more excited, considering this February will mark my 5 year mark in Minot, North Dakota.  Yea - incredibly boring.  Although we are extremely excited about leaving, we are also quite sad.  We have made some amazing friends....scratch that...FAMILY, and will forever hold them near and dear to our hearts.  The one thing about the military that we love is how close you get to people.  You don't just make friends, they become forever etched in your lives and it's so hard when you have to leave them.  But that is part of the military life and we understood that when we both signed the dotted line.  I had just signed up for Minot State University too and was excited to be a student there, and now I will most likely be taking online courses again.....which are great but I feel like I obtain more information when it's in person.  
                So with orders comes great stressors....such as maybe selling my car, pet travels/lodging, if all our pets will travel with us, all the paperwork that comes with orders, and whether or not we will be denied our orders because of my medical conditions...among other things.  Yes, they very well could deny us orders since they don't have a "hospital" on base, just a clinic.  Granted, I have had this condition under control for a little over a year now but there is always a possibility that different changes/environments could bring it back full force.  But that's just it, we don't know.  We are willing to attack it head on though!  :)  
                Other than the orders, everything else has been pretty much the same.  Scot is still doing his online schooling and I quit my job to attend college full time.  We had expected to be here a while and bought a bunch of furniture but are now realizing we will have to put some into storage.  The houses in Turkey aren't nearly as big (or nice!) as they are here, but it's ok because it's only a two year tour.  Sam is still his same old adorable annoying self.  He just got a bath and is walking around looking like he has massive bedhead - anybody want to brush him?  Last week he became really sick and was puking real bad (all over our new rug!) but he looked so pitiful that I couldn't be mad at him, I just hugged and loved on him.  He then came down with a case of doggy diarrhea and so we took him into the vet.  Poor pup had intestinal bacteria causing him puppy pain, so now he gets 3 pills a day, plus a giant syringe looking device where we give him some green looking gunk orally twice a's that for an appetizer?  Eck....  But he improved dramatically and slept most of the sickness off.  And like I said, he is back to his annoying adorable self!  I love that dog.  Our kitties are the same, still cute as ever and the laziest things to walk the face of this earth.  I wish I could sleep around 17 hours a day, be fed, brushed, rubbed behind the ears, and get to puke anywhere I please and have someone clean it up for me.  Must be nice!  Just another day in the life of our cats.  
                 Since we got married in October, things are so different.  We lived together a year and a half before we we got married, and we figured life would be the same.  Still living together, no difference right?  WRONG.  It seems once you are married you get this list of responsibilities that come along with it.  It could have to do with living in a house instead of an apartment also, but STILL!  Don't get me wrong, I love it....Scot and I have that conversation sometimes that begins with "would you still want this life if you knew how it would be?"  Always ends with an ABSOLUTELY - we are so in love and love our new lives.  I think the major difference is that we don't see each other as much as before.  Between schooling, work, and running around taking care of things (or just being too flat our tired), we find that we aren't together like we used to be.  But that's how married life is in a nutshell.  It's important in a relationship to still achieve those goals in life that you originally wanted and to pursue them without being in fear of losing your significant other.  We are extremely supportive in each other's aspirations and are making those steps to make them a reality.  And that's why I love Scot so much!  We always make a point to sit down and have dinner together, it's very important to us that we do.  And we usually lay in bed at night giggling and picking on each other.....OK I lay in bed at night and annoy Scot when he's trying to sleep....same thing right?  :)  Regardless, we are so happy with where we are in our lives and relationship right now and are ready to take this next step together into Turkey.  We are excited!  

          Here's a picture of Gizzy helping Sam on his road to recovery - now lets hear it....
                                         ..........  D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!  ............

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for Scot & you. I know I was upset when you told me and I am sorry if I upset you. It came as a shock to me. Believe me Scot & you will be happy anywhere in the world as long as you are together. The 1st time we met Scot and I saw the way you both looked at each other I knew you two were meant to be together. I told Mom this in the hotel later. I said you two look at each other like Mom & I do.You have matured into a very beautiful and special woman. Thank god for Mom. (I had a little to do with it) Just remember one thing no matter where you are Mom & I will always be near by, just look into your heart then look at the stars and know we will be doing the same thing thinking of Scot & you. We love both of you no matter where you are.
